
YYLC provides opportunities for youth to become effective leaders who will strengthen our nation and build a better world tomorrow. Our purpose is to teach young people the principles of leadership, goal setting, motivation, self development and Americanism. As founder, Dexter Yager, puts it, "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."

YYLC works in partnership with Tomorrow's America Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Michael Broome. Our combined vision is to create week-long conferences where teens and young adults will be taught more in-depth messages about leadership, character, achievement, and America. Since 1993, thousands of participants from all over the United States and many other countries have attended YYLC.

To accomplish our mission, we provide:
  • Curriculum that teaches our core values.
  • Activities that lead delegates to the application of these values and principles in their daily lives.
  • Presentations that inspire young people to achieve their goals as well as to help others succeed.
We believe that:
  • Goals are setting realistic and measurable objectives (wishing is not a strategy).
  • Attitude flows from what we think about and what we love.
  • Leadership is taking responsibility for a cause that is greater than oneself.
  • Teamwork is recognizing that "we" is generally more effective than "me."
  • Communication is enhanced by reading and listening in order to have something worthwhile to say.
  • Relationships should be based on respect, similar ideals, and accountability; iron sharpens iron.
  • Faith is evidence of things unseen.
  • America has been, and continues to be, the world's foremost advocate of freedom.
  • Values should be based in truth, and truth is not relative.

