Eligibility Requirements

YYLC is open to children of IBOs as well as any interested person within the general public (friend or relative) who meets the age eligibility requirements: must be 15 by the first day of the conference and no older than 25 for first time participants; only Alums may exceed the maximum age limit.

YYLC involves listening to speakers as well as reading and discussing ideas within the context of a "relaxed classroom" setting for several hours daily; interested applicants should be aware of this before applying. YYLC is not conducive to people with "intellectual or emotional disorders." Additionally for international delegates, it is highly recommended that you have a fair level of receptive English.

Please note: If you have never attended YYLC and you are older than 25 by the first day of the conference, your application will not be accepted and you will not receive a full refund. (the online registration system charges a processing fee)